Monday, September 05, 2011

DotA 2: Getting overboard over a "custom" map?

It's popular in Asia(especially Philippines), and in other countries in EU, and some parts of the US of A. To be frank, this game is monotonous, shallow, and as a matter of fact, the fanboys/fangirls think it's the next big thing after their beloved Ragnarok Online, and for some fanatical DOTA maniacs here in the country says that it will be the downfall of Blizzard when this game(DOTA 2) will be released in public soon.... Wow, that's just plain..... stupid.

Yeah, I know it's a team game, but haven't these people know what a true gaming sport is? Have they heard of Magic: The Gathering World Championships, or maybe of Warcraft, you know, where the sprites and skills of your much loved DOTA heroes got their skill concepts and character models, and oh, did I mention it's only a custom map? Yes it is, just like Castle Fight, Tree Tag, and Vampirism, with more hype than Justin Bieber's popularity(which most of these Filipino fanboys are craving, haha! In your faces!).

On a serious note, I play the game too, but I'm not blinded nor stupid to say that "DOTA is Warcraft", or "DOTA will annihilate Blizzard, because DOTA rulllzzzzzzz!" and any related comments inside those quotation marks. Hi-hi-hi, they(Filipino fanboys) are so excited to this game, maybe they don't really know what are the things in the gaming world that are an issue today, like this one bitch ranted about her date, who by the way is the immortal Jon Finkel, you know a MTG World Champion, and of course, the cancellation of the Megaman 3 Legends by Capcom, which stirred up a nerd outrage, especially the fans of this game. Well what the heck, as long as they have DOTA, and other mediocre games that is fed upon them, it doesn't matter. For them it's cool.

This "game" is a custom map, face it.


This is the game where it started. Be enlightened.

And oh, DOTA 2 only had better graphics, but it's still DOTA, that doesn't change that fact that "Defense of the Ancient" is STILL a Warcraft 3 custom map. If you don't notice that, then you're stupid.. That is all..... And you DOTA fanboys/fangirls from the Philippines, get a life. ^_~

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