Saturday, September 03, 2011

Mainstream animes: Too much, too overhyped, too annoying, too long?! or not?

I'm sure many are head over heels in these three mainstream animes, and mentioning them would make me stupid, why? Because they are very well known, and had a large fanbase, that if you talk about something that might be misinterpreted as a rant, these fanboys and fangirls are going to swarm you with hate messages/mails, cuss and bad mouth you faster than you can say "Game Over" in the game Silver Surfer(sorry for the AVGN reference).

But what I can't make sense at is, these three animes are like competing to one another, on who may have the largest fan community, popularity that causes division between anime fans who sees other animes than the ones in the airwaves, and the one who are "dedicated" to these animes that, if you're not one of them, you're against them. Looks like elitism huh? Well I'll leave that to you.

I know from the business standpoint, these three anime "giants" are having a "race" because they make them tons, and I mean TONS of money out of these, but with that, people who are so "solid" supporting and following these animes cannot see those things, and they think because it's famous, and it's well known, does makes them cool. Does it ring bell to you? Ok, send those hate artillery on me, I'll be glad to accept those, but first consider this:

Are you sure these animes are really "good"? 
Is it worth "watching" or you're just going with the flow? 
Does following these mainstream Japanese animes makes you feel that you belong into that community? 
Have you ever considered watching other animes without comparing them to your fanboyism over the popular animes of today?
Are you really an anime otaku, or you're just a damn poser who thinks you are better than the rest of those who don't appreciated and disgusted by your fanboyish views?

Well that is all for now. 

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