Saturday, September 24, 2011

Personal thoughts on the book King of RPGs.

To tell you honestly, I picked it up because of the cover. It is quite intriguing, I mean, the cover had this guy with the initials HP on his shirt, and the other one, had a twenty-sided die in between his middle and index finger. For the sake of curiosity, I went to read the teaser of the graphic novel, and it involves a freakish online gamer who got banned by the court for being so addicted to online games, and it has references to Dungeons and Dragons, Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, online and console gaming? I said to myself: "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? THIS IS LIKE EVERY NERD'S DREAM IN A BOOK! WOW!". So I purchased it in a heartbeat, and read it like 10 or 15 times, can't remember, but I can't help it! The story is something I could relate on!

I'm a former tabletop gamer, a current console gamer, and a future online gamer, well planning a come back to say at least, so everything in this book actually can be attributed to my experiences as a gamer. But I'm no Shesh Macabee, who had a dissociative identity disorder, that was caused by his excessive time on playing games. No, no, no, I haven't reached that level. About the story, it's like 1% of what I can relate on, but the characters, it's safe for me to say that I'm an amalgam of the main characters. Like Shesh's addiction to online gaming, his best friend named Mike who loves Japanese RPGs, and Theodore's enthusiasm over the game Dungeons and Dragons, but in the book, it's called Mages and Monsters. Cliche huh?! :P

Well, sad to say, after reading it over and over, I sent it to someone else. I don't know if she liked it, but I hope she experiences the same way of happiness that I've felt when reading the book. It was a fun memory, I'd never thought that I could read a book that really exemplifies a gamer's life, and how he struggles into the society. Goodness, I wish I won't suffer the fate of Shesh Maccabee, who got banned by the judge according to court ruling after destroying his fellow players in an gaming cafe when he got into his psychological disorder rage. Want to know the punishment? No internet, no computer, and no electronics whatsoever! I love technology so I don't want to be taken away from it. Well, that's all for now! 

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