Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Koudelka(manga): A review and personal thoughts.

Koudelka, a manga authored by Yuji Iwahara, is a side story based on the game developed by Sacnoth(famous for the Shadow Hearts game series)that have the same title, is based on the story of a gypsy named Koudelka Iasant(Yasant) that have supernatural powers and a medium to spirits, investigating a case of Lord Leslie's selfish attempt of reviving his daugther, Mary Vermont, after Patrick's Haywerk's failure to revive his beloved Elaine from the death, which caused monstrosity all over London.


This time, she is imprisoned Nemeton Convent(which the game's setting took place and where the horrendous experiment by Patrick been took place) by the Royal Medical Society, make use of her supernatural abilities to see and talk to the dead, and use their powers depends on what she wants it to do. She escaped the monastery and went on the run when she fell into a cliff and landed on a cart driven by a guy named Joshua(which turned out to be a girl as the story goes on). 

Joshua, worried and mystified by Koudelka, nursed her and afraid that she might be a murderer, hid her on the house where he(she) is living and thrown her blood stained cloth that she wore during her escape from the hands of the Society. By the time she woke up, she don't have her past memories, on who she is, but she can remember her name. As the members of the Royal Members Society searches for her, and did found out that she's in hiding, with the help Joshua, they left and headed towards London, to escape the Society and go on into hiding themselves. By arriving they went to a brothel called Hall Mary that Joshua's mother, Mary Vermont, and news are spreading that prostitutes and even newborns are going missing seems to be ringing in London.

By that time, the Royal Medical Society knew that Koudelka is in London, and they captured one of the ladies who is pregnant named Pacey and working in the Hall Mary and took her child that is still in her womb. By all curiousity and intrigue, they went where the supposed operation, under a wine cellar, took place and shocked on what they saw, bottled and preserved newborn babies and a look-a-like of Dr. Horn, who appeared to be also a member of the Royal Medical Society and also his twin brother took the baby and conducted the operation.

To quiet the witnesses of the hideous plan of the Royal Medical Society and its attempt of reviving Lord Leslie's daughter using human sacrifices, he launched his weapon "Black Plague" to shut them up, but foiled, and not knowingly, Joshua was struck by it. Lord Leslie's henchman, Hans, decided to lend a hand on Koudelka to help Joshua, on one condition. Her ability would be used to summon the ancient spirit and reveal the secrets of the original Manuscripts of the Exile, written by the powerful and immortal Roger Bacon(who appeared in the game and this manga too).

Undaunted, in order for her to save Joshua and get it over with, but with consequences, the manuscript opened a cauldron that swallows life that surrounds it in order for the resurrection to take place, and it did, but in all shock and awe, Violet, Lord Leslie's right hand man, destroyed the upcoming resurrection and wanted to take the original Manuscripts of the Exile for himself to rule and change the world. Koudelka and Roger Bacon also found out that he's also immortal, like Bacon and the fact that he's also an apprentice by Roger Bacon before makes him powerful as well. But Koudelka in control of the ancient spirit of the manuscript destroyed Violet and his immortality went down the drain and Hans(yes he's still alive), destroyed the manuscript for good, and Mary Vermont rose to heaven as a beautiful angel, now going in peace, and bid farewell to her daughter and Koudelka, thanking her effort to protect Joshua and bringing peace to her soul.


Having played the game, and reading this manga makes me wonder how underrated this game was, and the fact that the game had this depth story line, and creepy makes it really good, the same goes with the manga side-story. There is a minor flaw in Koudelka's surname, yes, but it doesn't matter because they kept the character's persona intact, and that's what is important. The story plot is written decently, and adding that pinch of fact from the game like Roger Bacon, the Manuscripts of the Exile and Patrick Haywerk(Haywork correct me for this ok?) and the incident of failed attempt of reviving his love, Elaine completely is like a cherry on the top of the Koudelka manga ice cream. 

Personal Thoughts:

Remember, reading the manga wouldn't make sense if you haven't played the game. Don't forget that! You're spoiling yourself a good story, and the element of mystery and anticipation. Buy the game if you really want to experience it. If you still have your Sony Playstation with you, much better!

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