Thursday, September 08, 2011

This goes to all self proclaimed Filipino "gamers"! Your persona and your status on the game you play don't mix up. Remember that!

You brag on how many kills you make on DOTA, you are narcissistic about how much you bought an equipment and on how fully upgraded your so called "imbalanced" items are. You know what you are, you people(Filipino fanboys and fangirls alike) are a bunch of losers who can't face the real issues at hand, so that is why you're substituting your insecurities and filling that with your status in the online games you are playing.

For the record, the gaming community don't care, on what you've become in an online game, because we know consciously the fine line between reality and the cyber persona we developed, that's a fact. I've been hearing too many people in this poser-ass Filipino community that they are better than the rest, better than what? Bragging about your character, ha-ha-ha! You people amuse me, this not only proves that you are fashion hungry people, but also people who had conflicts inside them, struggling to get their own identity so that is why you use your character's/avatar's status to make yourself better. What a shame, because we, the game nerds are not like that. We roll like we used playing old school, what is in the game, stays in the game. Completion of the game satisfies us, and tell our experiences throughout the game, without crossing that border of arrogance that you call yourself "powerful".

Filipino "gamers"(I quote this every time, because you are just trendy gamers, not gamers in any essence at all), wake up! I don't care how many +10 items you have in Ragnarok Online, I don't care if you are someone famous in every mediocre online game your are playing! Face your issues, and.... G-E-T A L-I-F-E!

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