Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Elitism on gaming: A virus that must be eradicated, for good, really soon.

Elitism, in many aspects are bad for the society, and that includes gaming. There are many people think that they're on the top of the gaming food chain since they have the best equipment, hanging out with the best, "represented" their country once, or how many people they have killed in Player-vs-Player battles/duels. It diminishes the spirit of respect and enjoyment towards the game we love, because of these people, taking gaming to themselves, where they can't address their own issues.

I've encountered many of them in my gaming life, and most of them are online gamers, and whether you confront them, they'll say things like; "Deal with it, you're weak! You don't deserve to play!" or "You just entered the world of *insert MMORPG title or online game here* and just crossed the line. Seems pretty vulgar elitism to me. I wonder when did it happened, because the gamer that I admire and I idolize, Steve Wiebe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Wiebe
(who held the highest score on Donkey Kong  in this history and many other arcade games by the way) is not like that:

This makes me wondering, why people like these loves to say they're on top, is it something that they lack in real life that makes them think that if they're a big deal on the game they are playing, they have to carry that facade of a confidence in real life, and look down on people because they think to themselves they are better human beings because they are the one of the best in it? That's kind of silly, absurd and hypocritical to me. 

As I raised, there are many elitists in this world, that is very evident in games too. The only thing we could do about it is to confront it the noblest manner possible and make sure they will hear it carefully. Learn from history folks, I don't need to mention how many elitists have been brought down by the people who they thought that are inferior to them. Let's join hands together to somewhat stop this irrational thinking once and for all, one baby step at the time!

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