Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My review on the anime "Moshidora".

Who would've thought that a book such as "Management" written by a business tycoon himself, Peter Drucker could be used to manage and somewhat lead a mediocre baseball team to the nationals? Yes, you heard me right, the concepts inside the book "Management" guided Minami Kawashima, a replacement manager for her very ill childhood and best friend Miyata Yuki. 

Miyata Yuki's illness was not mentioned in any episodes, so that's still a mystery, but overall the story plot is well written, and the characters are shining in each segments. And I like the fact that an obscure book that have nothing to do with baseball was adapted to a sports team, like in this case, baseball. Like what they said, it's always good to think "outside of the box". And the fact that the story is close to reality makes it more appealing to an anime lover like me.

The characters are quite impressive, Minami and Yuki are not the only characters in focus, thus, there are likes of Asano, who had a grudge with his coach after replacing him in a game without telling him what the reason is, Hoshide, the guy who is pressured so much to be a captain, he decided to step down from his position to concentrate on his game, Yunosuke, the Mr. Party Pooper, because he crumbled on his mistakes and pressure, but he was an integral part for the team, Nikai, the player who stepped down to use his knowledge over the book "Management" to help the team to grow and flourish together with the help of Minami, Ayano and Hanae as the part of the "top management", and Kachi Makoto, coach of the team(Hodokobu) who is always been misinterpreted by Asano, that later proposed a strategy called "no-ball-no-bunt", which helped them to heed themselves to the Nationals.

My only complaints in this anime is, it's short. I wonder why good or decent animes meant to be short, while other no-so great animes are so long(Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach, anyone? :P), and the fact that Yuki's illness wasn't mention really bugs me. There are many possible life threatening diseases, and one of them might be on Yuki, but we'll never find that out, since it was never mentioned at all.

When it comes to the OP and ED songs..... I could only say one word: "Heavenly". Listen it for yourselves and be soothed by it, but I hope someone translate its lyrics.

Yume Note - Asuza - Moshidora OP

Daisuke Da Yo - Momo - Moshidora ED

Overall, it was a good experience, since this anime focuses on the struggles and triumphs on each people, unlike other animes with the same genre that only locks on a certain person or group of people(One Outs, Major). I highly recommend this to anime fans that has passion for baseball, especially high school baseball. Don't give it a try, give it all!

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