Sunday, September 11, 2011

Games don't need to be represented by someone, the game speaks for itself.

We are gamers according on what we play, we don't need someone to tell us what to play nor what games are necessary to play to be "in". Most of the gaming community agree with it, but somehow, there are many people who thinks that gaming is about what a certain individual says and what game he/she is representing in order for us to get into the trend of being a so-called "hardcore" gamer.

The Game Anthropologist Episode 5 - Hardcore vs. Casual

In this video by the Game Anthropologist, he somehow tackled that issue. I clearly knew and aware of these things all along, after all throughout my gaming life, I've been surrounded by fanboys/fangirls and many proclaim themselves as "hardcore" gamers(watch the video, you will find this educational) in the country where being in is cool. I would like to say if someone, like a cosplay royalty(you'll get it eventually, but for the sake of putting a mystery here, have a guess) introduced a game or whoever there is, whether a famous gaming "icon"(there is no such thing), they'll ride the bandwagon and play whatever they say, like lice on dog that had a bad case of skin rash.

I have been hearing to play things like "Hey, let's play this because, ***** ********* is on it." or something like "It's cool, ****** *********'s friends are playing this, so we have to join the fun too. After all it's her.", and it's quite weird, aren't games suppose to played because you're curious about the game play, the story plot(if it's a RPG) etc. that are the real factors when considering playing games. I've been playing games for almost 2 decades now, and started playing RPGs around when I was 7 or 8, and been using emulators for years, because as a member of a middle class family we cannot afford to buy newer consoles and there are many consoles that I did not know, but now, I realized that I only scratched the surface in the gaming world and I love what am I seeing.

Games personifies for itself, if we are really going to look at games and interested to play them, not because it's the newest hit on the market, not because the/these gaming "celebrity/celebrities" told us to play it, not because it's what the media tells us to. You play for the sake of playing the game, and for your own interests, nothing more, nothing less. Always remember that. That is all, and continue to play, for your own good, and for the sake of having fun!

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