Sunday, September 11, 2011

I find Uzumaki Naruto, Monkey D Luffy, and Kurosaki Ichigo to be boring as..... boring.

Many people dig this, I find it boring. It's like these characters are just like every other protagonists in drama shows, "save the world" - "save my loved ones" - "save my friends" - "chase my dreams" - "never give up" and many other shit, you know what I mean. But I didn't get it, why people don't see it that way. OK bash me for this, and I don't care, but these three anime idols that most of the "fans" are admiring, but nothing, like they're just your stereotypical heroes, and hell, even Batman and Superman are better than them.

Face it, you people just keep on following these because you just ride the bandwagon. At first, they seem to be different, but now as their respective animes goes longer, the more bland and stale their characters are, the more non-sense the story plots are, and these anime "poster boys" are going to this transition that they will be the new face of heroism. Many of you don't see that, but if you're going to analyze it carefully, then you might get the point.

Flamers, trolls, I'm ready. Defend your beloved anime, and I'm sure you're bias towards other animes you've watched since you grew up with these, and because these are popular, it does not mean it's good. Just use your mind for a second, and you'll get my message. That is all, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I fairly agree with you actually. I'm actually quite sick of these three anime, especially Bleach. That show is finished, both manga and anime. Although I haven't watche dthe anime since the soul city (?) arc I hear that they've introduced some other stupid concepts that are now hard to get rid like the swords turning into people. Now the manga is also crap anyway. Naruto seemed to be going in a good direction then they had that war and introduced loads of lame characters.....One Piece is going okay but I can't really be bothered with it anymore. lol
