Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11/2001: A day which not just shook the world, but also shook this nerd unto his lifetime.

September 11, 2001;
I remember watching my favorite anime that is being aired when I came home from school, and it was interrupted by the news that the World Trade Center(Twin Towers) are reported to be smoking in flames, after 2 airplanes, hi-jacked by two terrorists smashed itself into the buildings. That itself scared the hell out of me, and shaking at the same time worrying about the people in those buildings, and knowing that some deaths are inevitable.
But what gets me on my knees, is the moment that the two towers starts to crumble and fall down, then I asked myself once again why it is suppose to happened? The Twin Towers are built to be standing for a lifetime, and this is happening? I cannot believe it myself, by that time, I felt frozen, so afraid that it can't be explained. Something in my heart just got scarred, because of this world shocking event, and even now I'm still carrying that...

The casualties are massive, the emotional and psychological damage are huge, not just for the Americans, but also for me who watched it, I haven't think of something that this just happened, right in my own eyes, even it's on TV, I felt that I was there, right in the heart of that memorable day.

And 10 years now, that feeling doesn't change, every time that my thoughts are looking on that date, every 11th of September, I always try to commemorate and try to give my utmost respect and honor, for those who died, and for those who have been bearing the pain, and witnessing it themselves. I know that I'm from the Philippines, and it's kind of absurd for me to do these things, but as one of the people who witnessed it, I always wanted to carry that lesson and memory with me, and that is: Never give up on bringing justice and never, ever, forget the lessons that there are might be danger at any time, no matter who they are or what religion or nationality they are. We always have to be vigilant.

You'll never be forgotten, and you'll never will. Remember this day, 9/11/2001!

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