Thursday, September 08, 2011

Tekken Girls vs. DoA Girls: Which side is the hottest of them all?


Just for the sake of shits and giggles, I want to raise up this debate and ask, you my fellow gamers are lovers of these girls, which side you think had the hottest and the grandest of sex appeals in the video game world. To be honest, I'm in love with Asuka Kazama, Lili Rochefort, Li Xiaoyu and Christie Monteiro from Tekken, and Kasumi, Tina, and Hitomi from Dead or Alive. Girls from their respective games are making me drool(call me a weaboo, but yeah, I am a weaboo, HAHA!!) but I don't want to call it for myself, that would be hypocritical.

I've been asking that question in my head for years, because I'm such an extreme fan of both franchise and even though my fighting skills in both games are sub-par, my love for the game, especially the girls don't just die now, like how many loses I had the in game(LOL).

So, let us get this straight shall we? Which side had the hottest line-up of girls? Is it Tekken or is it Dead or Alive?! You call the shots! AS in, right now!

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